
Avoiding hospital over-charging

Whether you have health insurance or not, if you have an emergency and seek treatment at an emergency facility in the United States, you are at risk of being billed a huge amount of money for services that you may or may not have needed, and may or may not have been performed, at rates that many other people would not pay. Most people unknowingly sign away their rights to fair treatment when they show up at the emergency room. This page collects resources around how this happens and how to reduce your risks.

I’m at the hospital, it’s an emergency, what do I do?

Resources about medical over-billing and how to protect your rights

This page is the distillation of information found in a number of places about how people, with and without insurance, end up frequently being billed exhorbitant rates for procedures, can be billed out-of-network rates at in-network hospitals, can be billed for unnecessary procedures, can be billed for procedures that were never performed, etc. There are some strategies you can employ to help protect your rights in these situations.

First, there is a doctor named Marty Makary, who is also a NYT best-selling author, who has focused on this area for years now. Digging in a bit into the work he’s doing in this area:


Distilling down some of my personal take-aways:


I am not a lawyer, medical professional, or anything like that. This is not legal advice. Do your own research, consult with your own legal professionals.

I put this page together to aggregate information that I found, via the prompting of my own physician, who suggested certain books and websites to look into. I’m making this available so that if I have an emergency I and my friends/family know what to do; and I can provide this to my friends and family so that they can protect their own rights when emergencies happen.