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Memphis cloud computing company plans move into Nashville



A Memphis-based cloud computing company is poised to move into the Nashville market.

Wayne Randall, who founded NexTek LLC in 2005, said he was drawn to Nashville after hearing buzz about the vibrancy of the business community.

“I talked to other businesses that had operations in Memphis and moved to Nashville, and I kept hearing ‘If you did good in Memphis, you’ll do great in Nashville,’ ” he said.

Randall said his small IT company has been experiencing rapid growth thanks, in part, to the recession, which has driven some companies to look for less expensive ways of managing their networks.

In some ways, cloud computing represents a “Back to the Future” approach — with the model essentially being an update of the mainframe-terminal computing that dominated before the desktop revolution of the 1980s. Rather than each company maintaining its own IT infrastructure, complete with servers and software, Randall proposes letting NexTek provide the server and software on a subscription basis.

The company plans to begin operating in Nashville in March.